GitHub/GitLab 404 Error

When a start an AssignmentOS assignment, we generate a private repository for you on GitHub or GitLab and grant the username (which you specified when beginning the assignment) access to this repository.

When you click on the repository link URL, you may see the following:

This can happen for one of the following reasons:

Not Logged Into GitHub/GitLab

You are not currently logged into GitHub/GitLab, To solve this issue, please log into GitHub/GitLab using the username you specified when beginning the assignment and click the repo link again.

Logged Into GitHub/GitLab Under Different Username

You are logged into GitHub/GitLab under a different username than the one you specified when beginning the assignment. If you want to use a different username or you mistakenly entered a username that does not belong to you, message us on our live chat below with the username you want to grant access to and we will update it for you.

Submitted Solution

Once you submit your solution, your access to your GitHub/GitLab repo will be revoked. This means you will no longer be able to push any new changes to the repo or access it via the GitHub/GitLab UI, so please make sure you are happy with your solution before submitting. Note we will grant you back access to the repo once we complete our analysis of your submission.

Timer Expired

Once the deadline for the assignment expires, your access to your GitHub/GitLab repo will be revoked, which means you will no longer be able to push changes to the repo or access it via the GitHub/GitLab UI.

Last updated